Friend In Shadow
Tale of Friendship with Individual Self
Be it a destiny met
Or a prodigy happened unspelled
Thousands of questions aroused
In plea to the “Friend In Shadow” so close..
Wondering through eyes closed equivocally
To witness a friend within self truly
Far beyond the sight of finesse
Felt predilection to the friendship I guess
There is something but not prosaic
Emulated it to every joy of friendship articulated..
As affable and silent
A friend within self
Made cognition to reflect afar
Will the friendship shun
Or is it a parable of retribution..?
As delectable is the friendship
As preposterous the words
With the happiness and sorrows always laid
Inflicted friendship in heart to stay
Feelings surpassed by to realize
Friendship with Self takes leap of a mile..
There is always a jingle
To the creative glory within self
As sterling as the friendship like a beautiful insight
“Friend In Shadow” is a tale behind shadowed light..
Through discords of opinions
Through winds of remorse
Whereby sometimes things seems phony and false
Friendship with Self acts with guiding footsteps
To celebrate Life far from unrest..
Carvings of Self in reflection as a shadow
With each step ahead it always grows
Rainbow of breathe is such a friendship
For it resides forever with us leaving memories deep..
Many of the tales are untold
Dwelling within hearts unrolled
Replica of emotions
Self’s persona with Self as a friend
Like a retreat of amicable combination..
Listening to the self for a while
This journey of friendship is like a merry ride
Have you met your inner friend yet..?
A Friend In Shadow
To which we all bow
To adulate individual self with utmost devotion..!