Haze Through The Window
Connecting the dots of Thoughts..
Backdrop for a while
Thoughts lingered as if crossed a mile
Bowing to the thoughts like ascetic
Grappling curiosity embarked
For in the front laid Worlds picturesque reality show
vis-a-vis “Haze Through The Window”..!
The cosmos holding tranquility
Ambiance essence out Freedom Of Equity
The sangfroid of oceans
Reflected the art of Mutuality
Oneirology of elysian holds no haze
For the dereliction it shows on its every page..!
Cogitations were like skeptical kaleidoscope
Sunlight through the window showed
Entirity in elysian is affectionate
And pragmatism is its buoyant trait
The pane of the window
Carved a haze in persons mind though
Humanity estranging Humanity
Self-sabotaging thoughts disdains sorrow..!
Alluring thoughts juggles windstorms of mysteries
For the haze lies in today’s century
There will be nothing to yawp about
If zenith lies in embracing “Humanity”
And if affection caters to fragrance of morality
Instead of being parable of elegy..!
Steps fleeting together
Clears the anecdotes of haze forever
For it shines like rainbow of austerity
A no limit to the cadency
Thus transcending the haze
Portrait out the in-depth meaning
Marred views lies in being a narcissistic self
Marking out the humanity in lurch
Estranging through the thoughts of haze through the window
Resolution standstill to a conclusive
Defining “Humanity” is the firm aficionado
Embarks the Nature too in invincible cosmos..!
Haze Through The Window
Will drop back for a while
To the thoughts which have to travel a mile..!